Aspidistra locii


Aspidistra locii Arnautov & Bogner – Willdenowia 34(1): 203. (2004).




Cultivated in the Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences St Petersburg from a plant collected in Vietnam, Province Quang Nam, Da Nang district, near Phuoc Son, on 11.12.1986 by N. Arnautov; preserved, July 1991, Arnautov 86-112 (LE) (indicated in the protologue as a holotype stored at LE, but not found there). Lectotype: ‘20. 3. 2004, Bogner 2815a’ M0213549 (M).






Paratypes: Cultivated in the Botanical Garden Munich, from the same source as the holotype, 20.3.2004, Bogner 2815a (M); 1.4.2004, Bogner 2815b (B); 15.4.2004, Bogner 2815c (HNU); 25.4.2004, Bogner 2815d (M); ‘1.4.2004, Bogner 2815b’, indicated as stored at B, but not found; ‘15.4.2004, Bogner 2815c’, HNU019919 ; ‘25.4.2004, Bogner 2815d’, M0213550, all prepared from plants cultivated in the Munich Botanical Garden, from the same source as the holotype; Botanische Staatssammlung München bezogen vom BG St. Petersburg 1996, Juni 2002, H.-J. Tillich 4358, cult. in BG München (Kultur-Nr. 96/3121), 20.7.2004, Bogner, MSB004976.


Vietnam: Da Nang City area, Quang Nam province.


Flowers in June – July in nature.
















Shoot upright, 5-6 cm (and more?) long, 1-1.5 cm in diameter; each shoot with a few plain green leaves and cataphylls, all glabrous. Roots very strong and stiff, 2-5 mm in diam. Cataphylls linear, 10-15 × 0.8-1.2 cm, becoming brown and dry very soon, ± fibrous with age. Petiole (11-)15-33 cm long and 0.3-0.5 cm in diam., somewhat thicker towards the base, terete, canaliculate on the upper side. Sheath 0.8-1 cm long. Leaf blade elliptic, 20-34 × (6-)7-11 cm, base cuneate and somewhat decurrent on the petiole, apex cuspidate, margin entire, venation parallel-pinnate, middle vein strong, prominent on lower surface and sunken on upper surface, 4-6 primary lateral veins running from the base to a third of the length of the middle vein in an angle of 15-20º towards the apex, second order veins much thinner and more inconspicuous, running between the primary ones. Inflorescence with one terminal, pendulous flower only. Peduncle 6-11 cm long and 0.4-0.5 cm in diam., thickened below the flower, plain green, with 5-6, 1-1.3 cm long cataphylls, first light green, becoming brown soon, internodes 0.9-4 cm long. Flowers broadly conoid, 3-4.5 cm in diam. and 2-3 cm long, rough (slightly papillate) outside, (dirty) yellow to beige, all tepals completely connate and with only a very small opening of 1.5-2 mm in diam. in the usually somewhat sunken centre of the distal side. Gynoecium mushroom-shaped, narrowing towards base; ovary and style c. 0.8 cm long and c. 0.5 cm in diam.; stigma very large, 1.6 cm in diam. and c. 0.5 cm thick, four-lobed, each lobe with an inconspicuous incision in the middle, its segments furrowed and the elevated parts with a rough warty surface; ovary unilocular, ovules 3, ellipsoid, c. 1 mm long and 0.5 mm in diam., with a short funicle. Stamens 12-14, situated below the large stigma and adnate to the perigone near its base, anthers subsessile (filaments very short), elongate, pale yellow, c. 6 mm long and 1.3-1.4 mm wide, surface finely warty. Pollen grains ± globular, inaperturate, 35-38 μm in diam., exine irregularly reticulate, the cross-points of the net strongly thickened. Fruit unknown.


Averyanov L.V. & Tillich H.J. (2016). – Nordic J. Bot. 34(2): 141–147.
